Saturday, February 03, 2018

In which, urged on by Dame Slap, the pond has an afternoon delight with the dog botherer ...

The pond has no excuse for turning to the dog botherer late in the day, except to say that there were many alternatives, and this was the one the pond landed on ...

That meant the pond had to pass up Dame Slap feuding with younger women, so it's probably just as well, because that promised to be unsightly and undignified. The pond is aware that certain men are stimulated by the sight of women wrestling, boxing, feuding, fighting and fussing ...

... but not the pond, and so the pond landed on the dog botherer and it had another excuse, not just because the reptiles had honoured him by putting him at the top of the digital opinionistas for a moment ...

No, the pond is captivated when pundits insist that politicians "must" do something, which is to say follow the insights and orders of said pundit.

This takes on a special piquant flavour when it's remembered that the dog botherer helped Lord Downer in Iraq, and then helped Malware at the time of the Utegate matter.

Malware must remember this, and if he doesn't then the pond must insist that he must ... here's a little help from jolly Joe at the AFR remembering when the Devine was pushing the dog botherer as a replacement for petulant Peta ...

...Kenny, Devine wrote of her News Corp stablemate, is "in touch with the world, has the right ideas [and] shares Abbott's broad world view. "But his greatest attribute is that he's fearless and confident enough to challenge the cosy consensus thinking." 
 But who comprised Malcolm Turnbull's inner sanctum when the Grech/Utegate misjudgment destroyed his leadership? His chief of staff was Kenny – fearless to a fault! – while Credlin was banished to a broom closet, finishing her law degree. 

Glorious times ... what a tremendous satirist the Devine is ...

And the Fairfaxians recalled those strange days here ...

Last night’s episode of the ABC’s Australian Story showed events in Mr Turnbull’s Parliament House office on June 22 as his attack on the Government over OzCar backfired with the revelation the email linking Mr Rudd to favours for a mate was a fake.
As a censure debate rages in the House of Representatives, the program shows Mr Turnbull’s chief of staff, Chris Kenny, saying ‘‘Rudd’s been calling Malcolm a f---wit across the chamber’’. A spokesman for Mr Rudd rejected the allegation as ‘‘completely delusional’’.

Talk about fuckwitted kettles calling delusional pots fuckwitted, and so it now becomes clear why the pond must read the dog botherer ...

Hmm, grim news indeed, perhaps the dog botherer must organise another utegate the dog botherer does a bromancer, and turns to the Donald for help ...

Indeed, indeed. Go negative, because there's nothing like the nattering nabobs of negativism to instil hope, confidence and joy ...

After all, it's worked for the dog botherer, with his constant carping and his whining and his moaning, and his raging at the machine, so why not for Malware?

Here's a sample. Sure, we fucked up the NBN, but it would have been a whole lot worse under Labor. So what do you want? Completely useless tossers and wankers and fuckerer-ups, or just your average sort of useless tosser, wanker and fuckerer-up ...

Oh it's a sure fire winning strategy, in much the same way that the dog botherer helped leave Iraq in such a fine state ... and so is able, in an expert way, to talk of utes and chutzpah ...

Okay, the pond will confess to another motive. All this has been an elaborate detour that readers must take so that the pond can arrive at the Rowe for the day ...

The pond doesn't want to sound cynical - after all, the reptiles just love their dinkum Aussie clean coal, oi, oi, oi - and these days prefers Sydney road to High street, but hey, there's more Rowe here ...


  1. They are a pair, aren't they: the Dog Botherer and Dame Snap. No visible achievement, merit or sensitivity of their own, but absolutely convinced that they can instruct others on how the world is and how to manage what they cannot.

    But what, pray tell, is wrong with High St, DP ? Has it gone all watermelon leet or summat ? I almost never get out to that side of town nowadays so I've completely lost touch.

  2. I would always take Sydney Road over High Street (my occasional jaunts into the darker recesses of Thornbury in years gone by suggested an unsettlingly high proportion of potential serial killers), I would note that Sydney Road has one shortcoming vis a vis Rowe's cartoon - it runs through the Division of Wills, rather than Batman.


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