Wednesday, August 23, 2017

In which the pond enjoys another of the many moods of the bromancer ...

The pond loves it when others share its passion for reptile observation and arcana ... with that quote above coming from Sam Roggeveen at the Lowy Institute back in November 2008 - here for the active links and click on his name for more Sam ...

In that spirit, the pond noted that today the bromancer was active again on the matter of Afghanistan ...

... and decided to hop into the DeLorean DMC-12 and pick up a copy of the tree killer edition to read ...

Cherry pick how you like - we can leave in six months and there will be trouble when we go, or we can leave in two years and there'll be trouble, and the military strategy is futile and almost certain to fail, and so on and so forth ...

Back into the DeLorean, to return to today's lizard Oz to read ...

Now there were two radical alternatives on offer to the bromancer.

One was to remember what he'd written, which would have implications for his attempts to make some sense of the Donald and Afghanistan ...

The other was to forget what he'd written so he could try to put the Donald and Afghanistan in the best 'realist' light possible ...

Guess which way he jumped ...

Hmm, and there was the pond thinking that we can leave in six months and there will be trouble when we go, or we can leave in two years and there'll be trouble, and the military strategy is futile and almost certain to fail, and Afghanistan is now a client state dependent on the world's, and in particular the United States',  addiction to opiods, and what an unholy mess the United States has created, impossible to fix, and now we'll be linked to the ongoing folly, with fresh demands for more troops, and the Donald didn't help the situation in his campaign mode with his brazen and appalling lying, and now his double-dealing and flip-flopping, while the reptiles stood by and cheered him on, or came brazenly to do a Donald and talk of 'reality', and so on and so forth ... 

But instead why not just revert in the usual way to a Rowe cartoon, with more always reliable Rowe here ...


  1. Ah yes, the Bromancer is a fine example of the adage that "Without memory there is no shame".

    If, like Greggie the Bro, you have no conscious recall of all the evil and/or stupid things you've said and done, then clearly there's simply nothing for you to be ashamed of. A viewpoint that is held by all in the herpetarium, I find.

  2. When Sheridan's mug comes up on the ABC I change channels because he is such a bloody expert on everything. He is joined at the hip with his Majesty Tony. Being joined at the hip is the in thing to say with our beloved Prime Minister telling us we are joined at the hip with America war machine who blames everyone else but themselves when they ruin other countries by their unauthorised invasion.


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