Thursday, March 02, 2017

In which the pond enjoys a rich feast of bromancer insights, all 453 words of them ...

There's only so much time the pond can spend with the onion muncher's internecine wars, before thoughts drift abroad to the Donald ...

There's also only so much screen time of The Drum the pond can watch when the overbearing bromancer looms into sight ...

Still, the pond commends the ABC for significantly reducing its desire to watch the ABC, so that more healthy pursuits - such as reading ingredients labels - can be diligently pursued ...

Of course everybody and his dog has had a say about the Donald latest speech, with Americans gone ga ga and convinced the presidential Trump has finally landed. 

There's nothing like a little patriotic jaw boning and flag waving to reduce the American media to Stalinist wonder and awe ...

As for the bromancer on the speech, the pond has the standard Woody Allan complaint - so terrible, and yet so little of it ...

These days the reptiles like to start with a big splash and a photo ...

And then the bromancer followed with exactly 453 words - or so the Microsoft Word counter assured the pond ...

This terse account was riven with uncertainty and hesitations ... the bromancer is too canny these days to get caught going the full euphoric, especially about the Donald ...

The notion that a narcissist seventy year old, a bully and a pussy-groper, is suddenly going to transform himself is one of the more charming, totally bizarre, 'only in America' notions, given a recent revival by this latest speech ...

It reached some sort of crescendo of silliness at the climax ...

The time for trivial fights is behind us? 

He's giving up on Twitter?

The thumbs on the small hands have retired?

There'll be no more feuding of the kind recently revived in memory and celebrated by the Daily Beast here?

Relax. These days will come again, and possibly by the weekend, or at least the next time that the Donald watches Fox and tweets ...

That'll put this sort of mindless rhetoric back in its box, so we can return to the twittering Donald ...

Not burdened by their fears? 

Build the wall? That's still on? 

Lock her up? Well not Kellyanne Conway ... no need to reprimand the kneeling on couch flogger of goods, as the pond learns a new use for the word "inadvertently" (Reuters here)...

Happily, you can pander to the delusional by offering them dreams and promises ...

No doubt that's because Americans have long expected that "being Presidential" means a Hollywood capacity to spin tall tales and spruik smooth bullshit ...

And that moonshine about health is just the start - what about heading off to the larder to find existing funds and resources to start the wall, to discover that there's only $20 million to hand (Graudian here).

The pitch reached a point of peak risibility ...

Indeed, indeed, think of the internets you can build by slashing government funding for people who devised the internets, and think how you can increase an understanding of the world by declaring climate science fake news ...

But in all this, the pond almost forgot the remaining few words of the canny bromancer. too cunning to swallow the moonshine ...

Well yes, and soon enough the itchy twitching thumbs will reach for the buttons ... thank the long absent lord thus far it's only been the twitter buttons ...

Meanwhile, Americans are agog and wildly excited ... because there wasn't a word about pussies ... because these days that seems to be enough ...

And so to a Rowe, with thanks to Rowe, with more Rowe here ...


  1. "the taming of the shrill"

    When even the sub-editors can't take another Chris Kenny viewpoint. Lordy...

    1. Great, VC. That just leaves the shills.


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