Thursday, December 01, 2016

In which the pond wonders where the music's going, and shares an anxiety attack with the bromancer ...

The pond noted, with grim satisfaction, that RN had managed to get all sorts of musos offside, including the real Paul Kelly (not that shameless "Ned"), with the usual petition arising here, and the Graudian tracking the story here ...

In the Graudian story, the pond noted that someone called Chris Scaddan was described as ABC Radio's head of music, presumably in the same way that some Ministers of the Army like to call themselves Ministers of Peace. 

Wouldn't the ABC Radio's head of not music, no music here, here no music, be a better descriptor?

The pond started a long time ago with the ABC. That's what happens when you grow up in the bush. With the greatest respect to 2TM and its role in inventing the boondoggle of the country music festival - oh it's only a month and a bit away - it was a crap station, and the pond said that even while pretending loyalty and pocketing the summer holiday pay checks. 

The ABC hinted at wider worlds, even though, when the pond later turned up to work in the dullard reality of its bureaucratic bowels, the pond had a disturbing reality check ... and it seems that a shithouse management still lurks there with a complete disregard for listeners or tradition.

Never mind, the pond listened to Paul Gough yesterday, and caught a nice dose of personal, engaged radio as Gough wandered down memory lane with an old school chum. Gough, in his own way and despite his talk of western Sydney, sounds like a quintessential croweater music buff, tweeted about it in the usual way, and while the pond wasn't sold on the music, it did share certain prejudices about new forms of music with the chum, and was encouraged by the inclusiveness of Gough's response.

Just another day, with the pond doing light repetitive tasks on the computer and so able to listen, but absolutely not interested in using the computer to call up this kind of curated radio. Digital radio on the television? WTF?

And then the pond had an anxiety attack about Andrew Ford - if they came for Gough, would they also come for Ford? - and at that point the pond swore a sacred oath, to ensure that RN's splendid * ratings would be reduced to humiliating, farcical *ratings ...

Oh and RN too, don't forget RN.

Fools, it's not about the ratings, it was never about the ratings, it was about pandering to the 'leets ... because Australian musos are just such a filthy rich bunch rocking up to RN in their Rollers. So start pandering to the 'leets ...

And if that isn't a good enough segue to the reptiles, the pond must be losing its touch ...

Yes, it's a leisurely Thursday, and why not a psychodrama, which is cliché city 101 when it comes to the Donald, only a step removed from the pond mentioning the satirical UnReal, even if the second series nuked the fridge and the pond turned to Westworld

Only one day after today and it's the weekend, and besides, there's only so much salivating Savva the pond can handle, even on a quiet day ...

Look, with the best will in the world, how is it possible to read beyond that splash - as if little Johnny hadn't pork-barrelled like an out of control bandit - when there's a David Pope having enormous fun about the PM's agenda taking shape?

Is it the statue, is it the demented look in her eyes, or is it the softer slurry?

Whatever, there's more papal savaging to hand here, but what else is there to be said? That statue celebrates the man who built broadband out of copper and managed to lose his agile and innovative leader only a few days ago  ...

So naturally the pond had to revert to the bromancer. 

Amazingly, when the pond clicked on the story, the paywall didn't kick in and the pond went straight to the bromancer story.

Oh reptiles, reptiles, giving it away for free at airports, now giving it away for free online?

Free. We should be careful what we wish for ...

It turns out that the Donald has reduced the bromancer to a state of high anxiety, unsurprising in that the bromancer yearns to love the Donald, but is worried about being abandoned in the Donald's madhouse.

Even worse, the bromancer has managed to misread or get wrong almost everything that's happened in the Donald's rise to power, but says it all with such conviction and authority that his stunning denunciations of his own misguided scribbles have an astonishing credibility.

It makes for a particularly beguiling form of neurosis. A bit like hearing Tony Perkins talk about the virtues of stuffing animals...

Indeed, indeed, how much better Europe will be when we can get back to good old fashioned nation state rivalries and right-wing populism and the joyous times of the two world wars ...

Of course what the bromancer means to say is that everything the reptiles have written about and wildly supported - balanced budgets, free markets, free trade, trade deals like the TPP - have been swept away by the tide of bigotry and climate science denialism the reptiles also enthusiastically supported.

By a loon who traded on draining the swamp, and then put a Goldman Sachs partner in charge of Treasury, and amongst his first policy proposals is the way he's going to make it easier for Wall Street to resume its looting its looting and rorting ... (paywalled, content must be googled, but the short version is Dodd-Frank is gone and there'll be nothing to replace it).

One comment on that story broke Godwin's Law, Orwellian clause, but still ...

Oh endless faith. And now we all get to see the same movie ...

It's always fun to see the barking mad reptiles realise there are even more barking mad folk out there, who listened to the siren song of the barking mad reptiles, and then decided that there'd be no harm cranking it up to 11 ...

And so back to the anxious bromancer, though truth to tell, anyone who thought the onion muncher was the future should be locked away ...

Oops, perhaps the pond should have run an Aldous Huxley quote ... 

Never mind, as we're in the madhouse, perhaps a madhouse quote instead ...

And cluck their unhappy tongues and shake their heads and suggest so very delicately that ...

RN is fucked.

Oh well, perhaps it's not the biggest issue facing the world ... but couldn't we at least listen to a little music while the Titanic steams towards the iceberg,  and the Donald organises the lifeboat for the owner?

And so to a Rowe, and more Rowe here ...


  1. An apposite reference to Norman, DP - surely the Trump of his day (and precious little to choose between them).

    However, I am puzzled by The Bromancer: is he really just rising to defend his side, no matter how ravingly loony He is, or has long exposure to the likes of the Onion Muncher, the Turncoat and the panoply of reptiles distorted his senses so that he can no longer see the reality of Trump ? Or of anything else much, I think.

    It seems that's how many of the US MSM (as they like to aggrandize themselves) are responding: taking the line that Trump is normal - he's the 'New Normal'. I wouldn't care really, except that the man who has the codes to the US nuclear arsenal could embroil us all as quickly, and thoughtlessly, as he twitters.


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