Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What the Caterwits said ...

Hush now, it's wrong to laugh ... even if there are reasons to snigger and perhaps even an upside ...

You can snigger along here but the news was grim for the pond:

There's the fine fruition of the current business model, and 55 less reptiles for the pond to kick around and faithfully transcribe, but will they forget this sort of 'journalism'?

You know, reporting and summarising a TV show screened the night before that anybody interested would have already watched, and anybody yet to be interested could catch up with on any device to hand...

Truly desperate and pathetic stuff, though it does allow the reptiles to sneak in little cardigan wearer feelgood messages such as "Reclaim rally an embarrassment" by recycling the ABC ...

Meanwhile, there's much that might be sensible to talk about - like the 15% dead man walking - yes, the pond warned them, but who pays attention to a loon on the pond - or the splendid sight of Greg 'there be walri there' Hunt smacking down the 'boots on the ground' mob, represented of late by that fearless armchair warrior, Kevin 'have we got a cheap marriage counselling voucher for you' Andrews ...

But as always the pond is perverse ...

While others look at the top story ...

... which is to say Malware dishing it out to Cory and Kev and the rest of the cons clustered around their terrorist in chief, the pond notices the little appendage below ...

Yes, it's Caterist day, and useless twits of the Caterist school will certainly not be amongst the 55 cut from journalist roles, because no one could construe what the Caterists do as journalism, or remotely connected in any way to the fourth estate ...

It's more like the pamphleteering or cheap, idle coffee shop gossip common in the Regency period ...

You see, you see ...

Would you buy a used quarry from a scribbler like this?

Hey ho, on we go, but as usual, the pond might have to pause for refreshments along the way, so tedious is it to return as to go o'er.

It would take some tremendous cheek to link terrorism and climate science, wouldn't it? Breathtaking gibberish of the insouciant kind:

Ah yes, it's the usual saw. "Those damned progressives and their irrepressible dominance in the Murdochian media ... and commercial television ... and Foxtel ..."

Time for a kit kat found on twitter:

Ah that's better pot, thank you Tandberg, the pause that refreshes, and hey ho, on we go ...

Of course, the pond should have understood the code. "Progressive-leaning media class" means David Marr ... and, it goes without saying, the very ABC that the reptiles faithfully recycle as some kind of "news".

How is that business model working out for the 55 mugs in Murdoch la la land?

But it's good to see that infamous, tone deaf use of monkey images by the Daily Terrorists - the pond refused to recycle it - means that we can address the Caterists in tones of civilised discourse as the complete and total fuckwits they are - or perhaps, in light of a reader's suggestion, a much more offensive and violent cuss word is needed, like Caterwit ...a superior kind of cataract ...

Hmm, in view of recent events and findings, perhaps the pond needs to take a settling quaff at the golden font of freedom boy ...

Okay, it seems that the Caterists are beginning to run out of steam, we've almost reached the end of a journey so predictable most Caterist watchers could have written in their sleep ...

Abbott appears prudent ... and these past few weeks have nothing to do with his own political gain ...

Well there's some 'jaffas down the aisles' Caterwittery ...

It takes some remarkable stupidity or ineptness - up there with acquiring a quarry from a Caterist - to scribble such twaddle and have it published the very next morning after the walri man himself heard the cock crow three times and turned his back on his former master, still chanting his 'boots on the ground' mantra with Kev and Cory and Pauline ...

Yes, you can read that summary of the ABC at the ABC, and if you follow the link here, you can actually watch the ABC on the ABC ... and there goes another reptile job ...

Meanwhile, Pope provides a cartoon which seems to summarise the situation and more Pope here:

... to which we might add Caterists say Tony Abbott prudent and prescient ...


  1. "a much more offensive and violent cuss word is needed" - huh... I thought you were about to say "Catercunt".
    It has a nice ring to it.

    Also fitting for such a dimwitted, divisive hack who has been on the "wrong of side history" before and will likely remain there.


  2. Where the hell did News Ltd find 55 actual journalists to sack?


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